Crash Course European History - S01

Crash Course European History - S01
Apr 12, 2019
John Green

Seasons (1)

Episodes (50)

1. Medieval Europe2. Florence and the Renaissance3. The Northern Renaissance4. The Age of Exploration5. Expansion and Consequences6. The Protestant Reformation7. Reformation and Consequences8. Commerce, Agriculture, and Slavery9. Catholic Counter-Reformation10. Witchcraft11. The 17th Century Crisis12. Scientific Revolution13. Absolute Monarchy14. English Civil War15. Dutch Golden Age16. Eastern Europe Consolidates17. The Rise of Russia and Prussia18. The Enlightenment19. Enlightened Monarchs20. 18th Century Warfare21. The French Revolution22. Napoleon Bonaparte23. The Congress of Vienna24. The Industrial Revolution25. Reform and Revolution 1815-184826. Revolutions of 184827. Italian and German Unification28. Expansion and Resistance29. Migration30. Modern Life31. Modern Thought and Culture in 190032. The Roads to World War I33. World War I Battlefields34. WWI's Civilians, the Homefront, and an Uneasy Peace35. Russian Revolution and Civil War36. Post-World War I Recovery37. Economic Depression and Dictators38. World War II39. World War II Civilians and Soldiers40. The Holocaust,Genocides, and Mass Murder of WWII41. Post-War Rebuilding and the Cold War42. Post-World War II Recovery43. Decolonization44. Revolutions in Science and Tech45. Protests East and West46. The Soviet Bloc Unwinds47. The Fall of Communism48. Europe in the Global Age49. 21st Century Challenges50. What History Was, Is, and Will Be

Synopsis Crash Course European History - S01

John Green is teaching history again. This time, we're looking at the history of Europe in 50 episodes. We'll start at the tail end of the so called Middle Ages, and look at how Europe's place in the world has developed and changed in the last 700 years or so.

  • John Green

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