Mapping the World - S08

Mapping the World - S08
Feb 22, 1997

Seasons (35)

Episodes (36)

1. The Economic Side of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process2. New Zealand: Forget Europe ...3. BELGIUM: THE CIVIL WAR WITHOUT WEAPONS. THE STORY. (1/2)4. Belgium: The Civil War Without Weapons. Geopolitics. (2/2)5. TYPOLOGY OF CONFLICTS6. INTERVIEW GÉRARD CHALIAND, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VICTOR7. WHICH FRACTURE LINES IN THE 21ST CENTURY?8. DRUGS: A GLOBAL CHALLENGE (1)9. DRUGS: AN ECONOMIC CHALLENGE (2)10. IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER ECONOMIC?11. The big North12. The Way of Tears.13. Can the World Feed the World? (1/2)14. INTERVIEW OLIVIER DOLLFUS, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VICTOR15. Nunavut, Future Land of Inuit.16. THE GEOPOLITICAL ENVIRONMENT OF EUROPE. (1/3)17. THE INSTRUMENTS AND ARCHITECTURE OF EUROPEAN SECURITY. (2/3)18. OBSTACLES TO A COMMON SECURITY POLICY. (3/3)19. HISTORY OF THE SUB-CONTINENT. (1/5)20. BRITISH INDIA AT PARTITION. (2/5)21. INDIA TODAY. (3/5)22. PAKISTAN. (4/5)23. GEOPOLITICS OF THE INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT. (5/5)24. Can the World Feed the World (1/2). Version 09/97.25. Can Maps Prevent Famines? (2/2)26. CASPIAN SEA: THE BIG GAME (1/4)27. CASPIAN SEA: THE BIG GAME (2/4)28. CASPIAN SEA: THE GREAT GAME (3/4)29. CASPIAN SEA: THE GREAT GAME (4/4)30. HOW WILL IRAK?31. Aborigenes Maps / Paintings32. War and Conflict Prevention. (1/2)33. War and Conflict Prevention (2/2).34. GERMANY (1/6)35. GERMANY (2/6)36. GERMANY (3/6)

Synopsis Mapping the World - S08

Then complex world of geopolitics broken down into ten minute, bite-sized chunks. You'll never sound uninformed at the dinner table ever again.

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