MAD - S02

MAD - S02
Aug 22, 2011
Hugh Davidson, Gary Anthony Williams, Mikey Day, Kevin Shinick

Seasons (4)

Episodes (26)

1. Rio-A / Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine2. Super '80s / Captain America Got Talent3. Kung Fu Blander / Destroy, Bob the Builder, Destroy4. Pirates of the Pair of Tweens / Konan the Kardashian5. Fast Hive / Minute to Flynn It6. Cowboys and Alien Force / Thunder LOLcats7. Transboremores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon / The Walking Fred8. X-Games First Class / Criminal Minecraft9. Kitchen Nightmare Before Christmas / How I Met Your Mummy10. Dances With Wolverine / Tater Tots & Tiaras11. Demise of the Planet of the Apes / The Ape-Rentice12. Money Ball Z / Green Care Bears13. Spy Vs Spy Kids / Superhero Millionaire Matchmaker14. Captain Ameri-can't / My Supernatural Sweet Sixteen15. Frost / Undercover Claw16. Twilight Staking Dawn / Cookie Blue17. WWE Bought a Zoo / 2 Broke Powerpuff Girls18. Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious19. My Little War Horse / Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O20. Al Pacino and the Chipmunks / That's What Superfriends Are For21. Real Veal / Celebrity Wife Swamp22. Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle23. Adventures of TaunTaun / Everyone Loves Rayman24. Potions 11 / Moves Like Jabba25. Addition Impossible / New Gill26. iChronicle / Hulk Smash

Synopsis MAD - S02

Mad is an American animated sketch comedy series created by Kevin Shinick and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Based upon the magazine of the same name, each episode is a collection of short animated parodies of television shows, movies, games, celebrities, and other media using various types of animation instead of the usual animation style that Warner Bros. Animation is known for. The series premiered on the evening of September 6, 2010 on Cartoon Network. It has been described as a "kid-friendly version of Robot Chicken".

  • Hugh Davidson
  • Gary Anthony Williams
  • Mikey Day
  • Kevin Shinick

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