PBS Space Time - S2022

PBS Space Time - S2022
Jan 12, 2022
Matthew O’Dowd

Seasons (11)

Episodes (34)

1. How To Simulate The Universe With DFT2. How To Build The Universe in a Computer3. How Does Gravity Escape A Black Hole?4. Is The Wave Function The Building Block of Reality?5. Are Cosmic Strings Cracks in the Universe?6. Is the Proxima System Our Best Hope For Another Earth?7. What If Charge is NOT Fundamental?8. Where Is The Center of The Universe?9. Could The Universe Be Inside A Black Hole?10. Does the Universe Create Itself?11. How the Higgs Mechanism Give Things Mass12. Space DOES NOT Expand Everywhere13. What If the Galactic Habitable Zone LIMITS Intelligent Life?14. The Evolution of the Modern Milky Way Galaxy15. What If Physics IS NOT Describing Reality?16. Have We SOLVED The Black Hole Information Paradox with Wormholes?17. Is Interstellar Travel Impossible?18. Could We Decode Alien Physics?19. What If We Live in a Superdeterministic Universe?20. How Many States Of Matter Are There?21. What Happens Inside a Proton?22. What If Dark Energy is a New Quantum Field?23. What Makes The Strong Force Strong?24. Could the Higgs Boson Lead Us to Dark Matter?25. Science of the James Webb Telescope Explained!26. Why Is 1/137 One of the Greatest Unsolved Problems In Physics?27. The REAL Possibility of Mapping Alien Planets!28. The Equation That Explains (Nearly) Everything!29. Why Did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics?30. What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?31. Are there Undiscovered Elements Beyond The Periodic Table?32. How To See Black Holes By Catching Neutrinos33. How Are Quasiparticles Different From Particles?34. How Can Matter Be BOTH Liquid AND Gas?

Synopsis PBS Space Time - S2022

Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth with our astrophysicist host: Matthew O’Dowd.

  • Matthew O’Dowd

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