50 anni di CLU

50 anni di CLU
Mar 22, 2024
Massimo Cirri, Ivan Brajnik, Giovanna Del Giudice, Roberto Colapietro, Franco Rotelli, Augusto Debernardi, Peppe Dell'Acqua, Michele Zanetti

Synopsis 50 anni di CLU

It's December 16, 1972, 50 years ago. The first social cooperative in the world is born in Trieste. It was formed by 28 people: two sociologists, two psychologists, five nurses, a healthcare assistant, two doctors and sixteen private individuals who all have the same residential address: via San Cilino 16, Trieste. They are interned in a psychiatric hospital and therefore have no civil and political rights: they cannot vote, marry or make a will. Imagine founding a cooperative. Thus the Court of Trieste rejected the request to establish the cooperative. It would have been a long march through the institutions.

  • Ghirigori
  • Cooperativa Lavoratori Uniti Franco Basaglia
  • Massimo Cirri
  • Ivan Brajnik
  • Giovanna Del Giudice
  • Roberto Colapietro
  • Franco Rotelli
  • Augusto Debernardi
  • Peppe Dell'Acqua
  • Michele Zanetti

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