Merkel: Anatomy of a Crisis

Merkel: Anatomy of a Crisis
Apr 15, 2020
Imogen Kogge, Josef Bierbichler, Wolfgang Pregler, Tristan Seith, Rüdiger Vogler, Timo Dierkes, Walter Sittler, Gisela Aderhold

Synopsis Merkel: Anatomy of a Crisis

Angela Merkel's decision in autumn 2015 to open the borders for refugees split the country - some praised the moral stance, others criticized the surrender of sovereignty. Yet what would appear to be well-planned activity is in reality a policy of muddling along, chance, trial and error. The Driven Ones is a chronicle of the refugee crisis which shows that the political actors are being driven along, crushed between self-imposed constraints and events that have spun out of control.

  • Carte Blanche International
  • RBB
  • Imogen Kogge
  • Josef Bierbichler
  • Wolfgang Pregler
  • Tristan Seith
  • Rüdiger Vogler
  • Timo Dierkes
  • Walter Sittler
  • Gisela Aderhold

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