Inside the Mind of Robert Burns

Inside the Mind of Robert Burns
Jan 21, 2020
Robert Burns, Alan Bissett, Robyn Stapleton, Andrew Rothney

Synopsis Inside the Mind of Robert Burns

Writer Alan Bissett explores the complex brain of Robert Burns in a quest to discover the real man behind the myths and reveal the conflicts in his life and work. Burns was a poetic genius, but full of contradictions. He was a lover of women, and an exploiter of them; a Republican firebrand, and a social-climbing government excise man; an advocate of freedom who almost became a Caribbean slave master. Alan examines the groundbreaking research that suggests that the poet suffered from bi-polar disorder, a condition that led him to have severe mood swings.

  • BBC Scotland
  • Caledonia TV Productions
  • Robert Burns
  • Alan Bissett
  • Robyn Stapleton
  • Andrew Rothney

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